Shot 2 - Title shot with voice over - 8 seconds
Shot 3 - Title shot with voice over 2 - 4 seconds
Shot 4 - Interview 1 with Jeff Hughes including cutaways - 36 seconds
Shot 5 - Interview 2 with Ron Stromberg part 1 including cut aways - 15 seconds
Shot 6 - Millbank riot cutaway shot 1 - 2 seconds
Shot 7 - Millbank riot cutaway shot 2 - 2 seconds
Shot 8 - Millbank riot cutaway shot 3 - 2 seconds
Shot 9 - Millbank riot footage - 4 seconds
Shot 10 - Millbank riot footage - 4 seconds
Shot 11 - Vox Pop Interview with member of the public - 11 seconds
Shot 12 - Vox Pop Interview with member of the public - 7 seconds
Shot 13 - Cutaway with voice over - 6 seconds
Shot 14 - Interview part 2 with Ron Stromberg - 12 seconds
Shot 15 - Interview part 2 with Jeff Hughes - 1 minute
Shot 16 - Interview with Emily Patterson - 9 seconds
Shot 17 - Interview with Margaret Marshall - 7 seconds
Shot 18 - Interview with Steve Patterson - 8 seconds
Shot 19 - extract from 'The Worlds Strictest Parents' - 13 seconds
Shot 20 - Interview art 2 with Margaret Marshall - 10 seconds
Shot 21 - Interview with Susan Ashurst - 30 seconds
Shot 22 - Cutaway shot with continued voice over from interviewee - 7 seconds
Shot 23 - Interview continued with another cutaway - 14 seconds
Shot 24 - Extract from 'Kidulthood' - 7 seconds
Shot 25 - Interview with Andrew Marshall - 8 seconds
Shot 26 - Interview part 2 with Steve Patterson - 14 seconds
*Unfortunately we had some technical problems with our sheets so we had them typed instead*