- What age are you?
............................................................. - What gender are you?
Male [ ] Female [ ] - What times do you usually watch television at?
.......................................................................................................................... - What genre of TV programme do you usually watch?
.......................................................................................................................... - What channels are your favorite?
.......................................................................................................................... - As a teenager what stereotype were you?
.......................................................................................................................... - What influenced you most as a teenager?
.......................................................................................................................... - Do you think teenagers are influenced by
Celebrities [ ] Media [ ] Friends [ ] Games [ ] Other [ ] - Do you think teenagers get bad press in the media? Why?
.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... - Does/has teenage antisocial behaviour affected you at all?
Yes [ ] No [ ] - Do you think there are any major differences between the youth of today and that of the past? Explain your answer?
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... - Should something be done to keep teenagers off the streets?
Yes [ ] No [ ] - Are/were your friends in the same stereotype as you?
Yes [ ] No [ ] - Do you think teenagers today are given too much freedom?
Yes [ ] No [ ] - Did your upbringing influence your stereotype?
Yes [ ] No [ ] - Do you think there are certain behaviour aspects associated with each stereotype?
Yes [ ] No [ ] - What do/did you do at the weekends as a teenager?
.......................................................................................................................... - Do you think teenagers are more violent now?
Yes [ ] No [ ] - Do you ever get scared when you see a large group of teenagers?
Yes [ ] No [ ] - Do you think there are more gangs of teenagers than in the past?
Yes [ ] No [ ] - What do you think could change the way young people are thought of?
.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... - Do you think narcotics are more freely available to teenagers than in the past?
Yes [ ] No [ ]

Although the numbers are quite close, the majority do think that teenagers are given to much freedom and the public think that this might be the cause to anti-social behaviour.
We asked the general public what their ages were, and the common age range was 10-20 years old. We want to aim our documentary to this age range but we dont want to limit ourselves on target audience because we believe that a lot more people of an older age would be interested in our documentary topic and would watch it.

When we asked the public did they think that social behaviours effected the behaviour of teenagers the majority of people answered yes.
When we asked people if they thought teenagers are more violent than they used to be, the majority answered yes. We asked a range of ages so this result is a good because we know its a fair result

Most people we asked thought that yes teenagers do behave differently
About the same number of people were influenced by media as by music with a slightly less number being influenced by fashion

This is a pretty varied view of what influences teenagers in todays society but the media is only slightly the largest
The majority of our target audience watch television between 8pm and 10 pm, this is most likely because many soaps are on at this time and many parents would have put small children to bed
A majority of our target audience found that youth clubs would be the best way to get teenagers off the street

BBC is a trusted channel to most older people as it is the one with the best news programmes and is reguarded as a british institution and so many people in our target audience will watch this.

Although the numbers are very close there is a slight inclination to yes there is a cretain behaviour linked to each stereotype.

A majority of our target audience spent their weekends socialising and having fun with their friends.

A majority of our target audience were not effected by anti-social behaviour despite the idea of teenagers being so threatening

A majority of our target audience were chavs when they were teenagers, this is a surprising discovery as many chavs are blamed for the problems with society.

We asked slightly more women than men
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