Monday, 6 December 2010

Audience Feedback

To get audience feedback we asked our target audience to complete the following questionnnaire and help us realise what was good bad and where we could improve.

Audience Feedback Questionnaire
1.) After watching our documentary, do you feel like anything could be Improved?
2.) If so what would they be and why?
3.) What aspects of our documentary were good and bad?
4.) Was the music chosen appropriately to suit the style?
5.) Does our documentary challenge the codes and conventions of a documentary?

1.) Does our print advert for our documentary advertise our product well?
2.) If so what do you like? also what could be improved upon?
3.) Does it stand out amongst real print adverts?
4.) Does it appeal to you?
5.) Does it work well with our documentary as a package?

1.) Does it advertise our product well?
2.) If not what could be improved and why?
3.) Was everything in the radio advert relevant?
4.) As a whole was the radio, documentary and print advert packaged well?
5.) What did you like about it/dislike and why?

We found that a majority of our target audience found that some of the interviews were a bit long and could be improved by having the responses shortened a bit and made more to the point. They also said that the balance between adult and teenager was a good concept but that there was a majority of adults interviewed and so this made the documentary slightly biased. According to them the music was good but more recent music could have been used to make it appeal to teenagers more. We found that they tought our documentary conformed tom a majority of documentary codes and conventions and that it worked well.
The target audience thought the concept of using four faces to create one teenage face was very good and worked very well to advertise our documentary, they thought the use of a red font was good as it was what we found to be the target audiences most prefered colour. However they claimed that it did not stand out but fitted in with most channel 4 documentary posters. A majority of the target audience stated that the poster did appeal to them and that they would watch the documentary as the poster and documentary worked well together.
The target audience felt that our radio advert worked well to advertise the documentary but that the voice over artist sounded bored and rushed in places, however they did also say that everything said in the advert was relevant and all linked back to the documentary and its content. They thought that the radio advert, print advert and documentary was packaged very well and everything was very closely linked. A majority of our target audience thought that music could have been added to make the advert sound more exciting and grab the audiences attention.

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